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September REITview

September 16, 2019|

Welcome to our monthly REITview newsletter – where we analyze the latest national trends in real estate investment trusts (REITs) and their implications for [...]

August REITview

August 28, 2019|

Welcome to our monthly REITView newsletter – where we analyze the latest national trends in real estate investment trusts (REITs) and their implications for [...]

Nevada Unemployment Ticks Up in July

August 15, 2019|

According to the latest statistics from Nevada's Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR), the state's unemployment rose 0.1 points to 4.1% in July. [...]

Nevada Booming with Solar Jobs

August 2, 2019|

...Education, not so much A recent blog from Commercial Cafe provides some interesting visualizations and breakdowns of job data from the US Bureau of [...]

July REITview

July 19, 2019|

Welcome to our monthly REITView newsletter – where we analyze the latest national trends in real estate investment trusts (REITs) and their implications for [...]


Data And Dialogue On The Economy

Are you reading the Stat Pack, Nevada’s best business and economic news website? It tracks key metrics and trends relevant to decision makers, offers analysis and commentary on financial and economic issues and events, and highlights the latest data-driven findings from the best sources. Combining stats, charts and graphs with succinct analysis and curated at-a-glance content, we hope the Stat Pack – and our weekly Fact Pack email blast – will both inform and entertain you.

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