Western Real Estate Business magazine, Western Multifamily & Affordable Housing Business magazine, and the InterFace Conference Group are pleased to announce the InterFace Las Vegas Multifamily Conference will be held in person on October 3rd, from 12:20 to 4:30 p.m., at the Green Valley Ranch Resort.

Network with decision-makers in the Las Vegas apartment market and hear from leading multifamily developers/owners/investors, brokers and lenders/financial intermediaries. Engaging panel discussions will cover the impact of the pandemic on the multifamily market in Nevada, the economic outlook, the development pipeline, and which submarkets hold the greatest potential in the near term.

The event will attract attendees from throughout the Nevada area, including owners, investors, developers, managers, buyers and lenders who are active in Class A, B and C multifamily properties.

The conference will explore the latest trends in investment, development, leasing, and operations, as well as economic and demographic trends that impact the multifamily market in Las Vegas.

InterFace Conference Group will also be hosting the InterFace Las Vegas Industrial conference on the morning of October 3rd at 7:30am – 11:30am.